Monday, March 21, 2011

Where To Find Pokemon Game In Cydia

21/03/2011 To be completed SUPERGA the conflict?

He told the digital COUNTRY press secretary Fuecys, Raul Ferrando, negotiating to release the canisters conflict again wedged in the meeting between the workers, representatives of the Ministry of Labour and businesses Ancap sector.
Ferrando stated that the employer refuses to negotiate and that is stagnant in the last proposal made. Meanwhile, workers in several rooms intermediate, and five new proposals submitted.
The solution to the conflict in canisters, is at risk by the lack of agreement on reducing working hours for workers in the call center. The government understands that negotiations are separate and must be considered, for the first of the conflict, are given all the conditions to reach an agreement today.
The Labor Minister Eduardo Brenta, Carve radio today said that Friday was an important step with the latest proposal to plant workers. The parties have reached a wage agreement was settled and the reduction of working time (see related). Brenta
said is perhaps one of the best agreements reached in the later rounds wage.
CALL CENTER. But, all the deal may fall because workers insist on extending the benefit of reducing working hours to 40 operators of call centers. Brenta
said negotiations for the call center are on the other hand because they must find "different solutions to different problems." The chief explained that this particular conflict is being discussed at a special table with the workers in this sector to avoid differential treatment.
The minister had held this position when in an interview with El Espectador said it would be a "mistake" will apply the same criteria for plant personnel and the call center.


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