The widow Nelson Peña Otero, known as "Rambo", was murdered by another inmate in the prison of freedom, will present a lawsuit against the Ministry of Interior recovery from the "moral damage" suffered by the death of her husband.
María José Crossa Counsel, advisor to the family of "Rambo," he told El Pais that the wife initiated a complaint against the State for the death of the prisoner, who died last March 8, Alejandro Rodríguez de Armas, another inmate the prison of freedom, was executed several shots with a 9 mm pistol.
"In the courts have to assess the damage suffered by a wife following the death of her husband who was in prison," said the lawyer, adding that it is a "special situation." Crossa
said the woman intends to claim $ 70,000, but said that the figure will arise in the application has not yet been determined, since it must be evaluated in terms of legal criteria.
addition, the lawyer said there is a possibility that both the mother and brother of "Rambo" to join the lawsuit against the Interior Ministry, which is present in about two months, since the intention is to develop content properly.
Anyway, Crossa clarified that under current legislation, the deadline for making judgments of state liability is four years.
"Rambo" was serving 22 years in prison for three murders stemming from differences between criminal groups involved in the sale of drug in the area of \u200b\u200bMt.
some years, "Rambo" had significantly improved his behavior and was working in the field of Criminal of freedom, as a way to redeem days of imprisonment for working hours, explained Crossa.
Otero Peña Rodríguez had been a partner of Arms, but since 2007, when they had a serious battle in the prison of freedom, were sharply at odds.
Since then, Rodriguez de Armas waited for an opportunity to end the life of "Rambo," who gained notoriety in 1999 when he led a mutiny in which he was taken hostage, journalist Yuri Gramajo, who was recording a program center imprisonment. Rodríguez de Armas
met its goal of ending the life of "Rambo" on 8 March, when he came to the area where the enemy was staying with a 9mm pistol he fired several shots at close range. Because
, Justice Rodriguez de Armas prosecuted for the crime of "murder", although research is ongoing both at court and in the inner orbit of Freedom Penal how the inmate was in possession of a firearm.
For the family of the deceased prisoner, no doubt that the weapon entered the prison through a guard, which could also compromise the responsibility of the Ministry Interior.
The National Rehabilitation Institute (INR) has not yet completed the administrative investigation on the entry to the prison on Freedom of the weapon used to kill "Rambo."
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