The Ministry of Tourism and Sports will responsible for disseminating internationally the cancellation of the fight between Chris and English Namus Loli Muñoz once it becomes official.
"It is imperative that after a sporting event that was broadcast on television and had even reach of universal, reflecting the crystallinity and transparency that characterized the Uruguayan sport, "said Nicola Cetraro, program director of the Office of the President," Knock Out Drugs. "The program promotes the development of human and social values \u200b\u200bthat seek banish all forms of misconduct, not only as athletes but as citizens, "he added.
The Uruguayan Federation of Boxing (FUB) canceled the fight, the game was in the junior welterweight world title in Namus, due to irregularities that occurred around the fight and after a call to ministry officials.
"We convey our concerns to the authorities and claim FUB a decision thereon, which then occurred, because the situation surrounding the fight, led the Acting Minister, Liliam Kechichian, raise the issue in the Council of Ministers, which also picked up the concern of the President of the Republic about what is a fact that certainly qualify for embarrassing, "said National Director of Sports, Ernesto Irureta.
The ministry urged the president of the FUB, David Mea, that steps be taken about what happened. Uruguayan
Boxing Federation today officially communicated the decision to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, which will go down fighting as "no match."
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