In controversial split decision after a hard fight, Christian Namus retained its title as world welterweight champion of the World Professional Boxing Federation, beating by a decision of the English judges Loly Munoz, who was superior to the Uruguayan boxer in most of the fight, applying voleadas rights that hurt. Chris Namus
showed courage over the 10 rounds, but in his face, especially in the left eye, were notorious for being beaten a rival who finished physically whole. The fight, which ended at 1.10 hours of Sunday, was defined for the Uruguayan boxer by two judges, while the remaining gave tie.
In fact, Freddy Sosa gave 97 points and 93 Namus Chris Loly Muñoz, Enrique Vales said equal 95 points and Hugo De Leon gave the win to Chris Namus by 96 points to 95. Coach Loly Muñoz, Rafael Martin, expressed outrage at the ruling, arguing that was a wreck as their predominant addressed.
also said he submitted a complaint to the authorities of the boxing world, including the end of the fight in which the Uruguayan dropped his mouthpiece and said the judge ended the round too soon.
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