Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stomach Virus Los Angeles

Opposition came out against criticism of President

In the "Speak the president" in the M24 radio, Jose Mujica spoke about the case of video cases that threatened military prosecutors and judges to judge the military for cases of Rights Human. During the hearing, the opposition criticized the attitude taken in handling the issue.
opposition's reaction was immediate and from various parts of Colorado and National parties rages criticism to statements Mujica.
Colorado Senator and leader of Let Uruguay, Pedro Bordaberry, said digital COUNTRY: "I feel so embarrassed the newsprint is doing president with the issue of video.
About Bush said about the behavior of the opposition, Bordaberry said "we could not inform the press because we were only sent part of solving (the message of the military cases) by writing. "

" If the president is looking for someone reported to the weekly search should find the log in your own eye "added Bordaberry.
Senator Jorge LarraƱaga preferred to send their views through your account (@ guapolarranaga) in the network Twitter. About noon the National Alliance leader wrote, several questions about the president said. "! President was wrong and the fault of the opposition! "wrote the leader of National Alliance.
" Was the opposition that spoke of a video? The president decided not to be President of all Uruguayans? Had not he said his priority was national unity? "LarraƱaga asked
Meanwhile, the National Alliance deputy, Javier Garcia, also criticized the findings Mujica during his radio address." I think the president should calm down, began to attack and confuse. Also did not say anything about the alleged video or images. Unfortunately, it looked more like Pepe Talks to the President of the Uruguayan "said the national legislature.
From another sector of the Colorado Party had also brandished a message questioning the head of state. Senator Jose Amorin said digital COUNTRY President Jose Mujica should be angry "with himself and not to the opposition" and criticized his actions against the issue of alleged threats video.
"I think the president is wrong is wrong and bad," he said and said it's an issue serious enough to speculate about its existence or contents.
"We hope that Uruguay is a serious country," said Amorim, so go forward with the interpellation of ministers of defense and interior, and Eduardo Luis Rosadilla Bonomi, respectively.
The senator said that no minister was able to address this issue, and had not even seen the alleged video. "President Mujica considered that the issue was important enough to inform the opposition, but they do get the video for the minister of defense and interior to see. I think it's a hair taken," he said.
noted that "at this point the party no choice but to make public the video" because people do not believe it exists.
For his part, Senator Sergio Abreu preferred to remain silent on the statements of President Jose Mujica in his radio address this morning. Asked by El Pais Abreu digital only said "I prefer not to comment, this is a serious issue that needs to be analyzed."
Independent Party leader, Pablo Mieres, Mujica said the president "was wrong" in his statements on the performance of opposition parties. "We are very concerned that after this episode there is a situation of 'war' between the parties and the government. We hope to have a climate of dialogue and from the beginning of this administration"
Mieres addition to the interpellation of Ministers of Defence and the Interior proposed by the Colorado Party and National is not conducive. "


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