Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Comparison And Contrast Of Anorexia And Bulimia

I Free Software in Libraries - II KohaFest - XXIII InstallFest

8 and October 9, Córdoba, Argentina

Location: Library "Victor Guzman" - School of Social Work - University Nacional de Cordoba - Avenida Valparaíso - Ciudad Universitaria - Córdoba

We meet to share ideas, experiences and proposals around free software in libraries.


The event is open to librarians, librarians, archivists, museum curators, administrators, teachers, students and anyone interested in free software in libraries.

Called poster presentations on the following topics:

free sw systems for libraries
experiences sw free in libraries and related institutions
community experiences that include working with free sw
developing collections of free software ●
use and application of free sw by library users
free formats for distributing digital content
libraries and free knowledge

Requirements for submission of posters:

Proposals for posters should be directed to the Organizing Committee of the First Conference of Free Software in Libraries via e-mail address : swlibre_bibliotecas@puntobiblio.com . Receipt will be issued.

All posters must be submitted under a license that allows free distribution. The Organizing Committee suggests using a creative commons license
To participate, interested parties must submit an abstract with the following characteristics:

1. English Language
2. Summary describing the presentation. Must be lodged in OpenOffice Writer (*. odt), in plain text (*. txt) or HTML.
3. All abstracts should include: title of the poster, name (s), institution to which he belongs, village.
4. Distribution License

Abstracts of posters will be judged by the Organising Committee which will report the result to each author.

selection criteria that take into account the Committee are:

Thematic scope: relevance to the themes proposed
Originality / innovation.
● Applicability all types of libraries or related institutions.

selected The poster should include the following:

poster title
Name of the author is
● ; institutional affiliation
● email (s) of author (s)
distribution license

selected Each poster must have a dimension of 420 x 594 (A2) and should be available for installation on October 7 at 17 hours. Participants from other locations may present your poster on October 8 at 8 hours or mail it to: Biblioteca Popular Argentina, Agua de Oro 3278, 5014 Córdoba.
All selected posters will also be sent by email until October 6 in electronic format (*. svg, *. pdf).
All selected posters should include licensing information applicable to share the work.

Each poster shall also be submitted within the program of the conference through a 15-minute exposure at the time scheduled by the Organizing Committee.

Submission of abstracts: until September 10, 2010
poster Selection and Notification: September 24, 2010
Sending the final version poster in electronic form: October 6, 2010

Node Digibepé Córdoba - Argentina Republic Popular Library
School of Social Work Library - National University of Córdoba
Group Free Software Users


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