Starts: August 10
Hours: Tuesdays from 9-12 pm and Thursday from 15-18 am
Held in the library workshop - Agua de Oro 3278 - Barrio San Pablo Expansion (bondys A8 and A10)
Cost: $ 120 .- (2 shares)
Duration: 8 classes, you can go once a week (it will extend the course to two months) or twice per week (1 month)
full scholarship for students wishing to enter the Workshop Youth Microenterprise Binding of
BPRA Conducted by Natalia Zella
Registration Open - Limited availability - Book
place: bpra3707@gmail.com
Requirements for scholarship:
- Over 18 years
- Submit proof of a regular student at any level of the education system
- Commitment to incorporation Youth Microenterprise Bookbinders Workshop BPRA
- Scholarship Application Note with reasons why you want to learn this trade and why you would like to join the
BPRA Bookbinding Workshop - If you are a student interview request
Meet our workshop in photos
http://www.facebook.com/ ? ref = home # / album.php? aid = 91153 & id = 580177729
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