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Wed 7-Apr-10, Veronica Lencinas wrote:
Subject: [bipocor] ... and Buenos Aires
To: bipocor@gruposyahoo.com.ar
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 6:41
Hi colleagues,
just read a newspaper interview to the legislator South Mirades Tito Nenna Buenos Aires on educational and cultural policy in Buenos Aires Macri.
raises a number of interesting issues in terms of management cultural. And as a resident of the City of Córdoba I wonder if you have made these criticisms of our local rulers.
The interview itself is quite short, so there's no reason not to read it.
Greetings Veronica Lencinas
Response Yulan
I talked this morning early with Vero . I had not yet read the article announcing she had sent to this list. My friend and co-odyssey small library everyday, told me this and I would answer with another question:
why public libraries are not included in the cultural circuit cordobes? Somehow trying to say, why the BP not taken into account by officials linked to "culture" (read officials from Ministries of Education, Ministries of Culture, both municipal and provincial) when programs and actions allegedly cultural or cultural extension ...? (Enabling funds for free workshops for children, guided tours of historical sites, etc.. .. Etc.)
the budget allocated to the Ministry of Culture, which currently do not remember exactly, but certainly some of his colleagues rescued memory or revolvers Internet mazes to find them, a tiny amount goes to public libraries, beginning in 2008. 2009, half are still waiting ...
But always, and when we were street protests calling for enactment of the 8016 Act (as distinct economic aid that are being taken on behalf of a mysterious Program: "Córdoba Lee) said, even then, not was a claim "economic." We were not protesting only by a grant, for a fee, we were demanding of all, the public recognition of the importance of the Institution Public Library as an entity that can work in strategic alliances with other agencies: National Government (CONABIP, Sec Culture, etc..). State Provincial, Municipal State, Business, NGOs ... with an ultimate goal: cooperation for social development. May criticize this latter idea as very ambitious, very utopian ... but then, what motivates us to continue to manage institutions in the worst conditions imaginable? No spaces worthy to operate without human resources recognized as they deserve to end up going as a matter of survival, reaching a formal job, without all that and also with all local system ignoring us, obvious ...
One of the assumptions that tugged at Vero, seeking motives, reasons, why this indifference so strong, I thought: is that the provincial government believes that public libraries recognizing the ends recognizing a lot of anonymous people, who after all are doing things in neighborhoods and localities of Córdoba to which this way are being given an unexpected political oxygen?
If we would have liked would be military in partisan politics at a party. But no, we are in public libraries. Cultural activism in public libraries is also a political issue. Think cultural management as a way to citizenship is political and dangerous. Give voice to the voiceless, is dangerous. Has shown that much Susana from Bella Vista. How can cost an institution played in the neighborhood. How
publicly recognize institutions that sacararían to light the worst miseries of a state that does little to cultural inclusion fills the mouth but very good speeches in that regard? If one recognizes the popular action is to recognize that there is a local state lacking in cultural policies and librarians. Is it too much to expect an attitude of cooperation and teamwork? Are we so naive to imagine that civil society and the state can partner strategically with zero political cost in Córdoba?
No. Everything has a price the political game of those who play politics. We in the districts and villages, campaign for access to books, reading and ICT, a few desires show ... so far. But since we had nomination to the councilors, deputies, to "something" if he was so strong and so true the alleged political appetite of librarians and leaders. Leaders foist it is others, not? I? mmmm ... I have my doubts. Who did and who will not. Not all are equal.
Indeed, some would say old saying, everything is according to the glass that look. According to what is meant by culture and according to what you want to do with public libraries as well.
From my point of view, cultural management is to design a program of large, crowded mega-events, imagining that it "culturalized" a barbarian masses that organized concerts and exhibitions, "we have a piece of culture", "educate" ... yuck ... Managing culture is also encouraging word and expression of the people, I have on hand for quoting Tony Puig in this fantastic book "It's over the fun ideas and management culture that creates and maintains citizenship." I've recommended before, is a book that sent CONABIP and q in is popular. Puig The central idea is that mega-events ended with a person consuming public "Culture." Came time to open doors, install space, small but accessible, open, where people are active, you can perform the reverse process: "bring your own culture and share with the public", "citizenship is exercised in the debate, the redesign of problematic situations common in the search for solutions "... Managing culture, not just to raise some art workshops for its own sake, but are behind a critical support and research to make sense of new learning, the enjoyment of artistic expression ... Is it too much to ask? (Susan has taught us a lot since doing so without fanfare.)
We do not want spaces to provide samples of famous artists, chamber concerts, lectures ... spaces we learn from the people themselves, their own knowledge, share them, stack them with others, exchange, retrieve, rescue, build, create alternatives and solutions to neighborhood problems in the joy of free expression and democratic ... Lead to the voice of the voiceless always, sometimes, never ...
Who wants to fill more headaches behind a desk? No doubt that I would like to work fewer hours and be more in the popular, but that for now I can not, and if my way of being, this is through the word, shared, sometimes has a very painful, very expensive, because "is what you get." And I still believe that this is also a form of gambling and the struggle for restoration of the image and recognition of public libraries. Why use the word "restoration"? : Because I am told, who read a lot about public libraries and Cordoba and Argentina in general, public libraries in Cordoba, was obtained before. But they are no longer and many will not return. How is made to recover an institution that was once at the heart of the city of Cordoba a respected institution, recognized and valued?
uf. And the spirit Cordoba also maintains libraries gagged popular. And the spirit Cordovan not yet noticed the potential of public libraries. It is also the spirit of Cordoba still did not notice that has an army of volunteers laburando for nothing. Buenos Aires is not just that you can not remove the blindfold from my eyes ...
greetings, Sonia
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