Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sammie Dating Myammee
seems an issue forced the issue of annual review in institutions. One wonders what is the advantage of formulating it: allow meaning to the sense of managing and leading a Popular Library. The BPRA this
year had a number of projects, different. However, highlights the value of the bet to the collective work, the recovery of public space as the square, the sidewalk, new technologies, the municipal area that we are expecting that the yield in Cordoba city loan, to appropriate as citizens, it genuinely.
Overall, the projects were 7, worked against the odds, which is trying to draw a metaphor to say despite the uncomfortable conditions for others offered by this library: two garages crammed with books, computer equipment, bindery, working people and people looking for what read or do.
reading workshop, led by James Bolger, was a bet on a new experience to share with college students who proposed to invite children in the community of La Vaquita pitch, to participate . From August to December, on the sidewalk, cold, heat, joy, visiting Mauritius as Coudet, with many shared criollitos under the shade of the tree and a sign over the kids when they have opportunity to have books quality and no pressures, no barriers: the genuinely enjoy and read!
Bookbinding Workshop : coordinated by Natalia Zella, this year we're betting the formation of new binders through scholarships for students of any race who believed that by arranging books, a little help to their studies can be found. Natalia produced three young. Accession
Digibepé : how could it be otherwise, the program joined BPRA Digibepé of CONABIP, through the work of the librarians Natalia and Maria Ines Zella Garrone, Veronica Lencinas, with the touch of his wand, bonded developments with technological innovations like Tweeter, which meant that everyone we learned after five minutes load on the database, which book is available in the BPRA.
Art Workshop, coordinated by Anita Gauntlett, gathered more than 25 children in a number of years experience that we put into practice not discouraged by the lack of suitable space. Anita was not afraid of the village, where he worked with other children excited about the activity. It was a free workshop and experience, as the reading workshop, which was also free, allows us to evaluate and reflect, where it is worth investing the funds. First Node
Digibepé : through a Cooperation Agreement between the BPRA and CONABIP, put into practice what we propose as a model of ideological work: it is much more than a strategic alliance between State and Civil Society, redefines the value they place public policies to citizen proposals. As an institution, we proposed this model CONABIP work in 2007, based on experience Puntobiblio. The National Agency did not say "no", but "we will evaluate." It took a year and a half test with experts from what was the proposal, its feasibility, its impact, strengths and weaknesses. But the proposal was enriched with the integration of a task force of computer specialists, libraries and programming. A project
criticized and even could say fought, from the beginning, locally, no one believed in Puntobiblio, its history, but today is one of the technological tools most frequently consulted by libraries and librarians even beyond the borders of Argentina.
Like any new program, triggers concerns, distrust, criticism. Are all welcome, all we learn, we can not give an answer based on the technology because it belongs to the Task Force and in due time will surely be known. But we can say, as an institution, the conviction of working as well as citizens from the grassroots, to present a project to a State Agency, it evaluates it, enrich it and make it up by putting the same library that introduced him to the couple, to develop ... Well, at least we can hope for is criticism. The problem with critics is that they could discourage libraries to join a new Library Management System, which streamlines the infinity of library work. Some of this criticism, spark debate about their reliability, hazard data availability as "relevant" as what everyone reads ... Orwellian concept of the eye that sees and controls everything (State) in relation to libraries and readers could, in this case, writing for public libraries and an impediment to confidence in new technologies and accessibility .... but this concept actually extends to other activities of the twenty-first century citizens: since today we all know that every time we use a credit card, cell phone, ATM, the email itself! ... Not only the state that has personal data of millions of ours, but other multinationals take advantage of tastes, choices, shopping, services, etc. Questioning the availability of data collections or a reader that has been providing a library owned by the state as a potential risk to a possible dictatorship, in any case, it would be respectable, if in addition to the criticism itself, to include alternative proposals ... But this can also be framed in the particular political and historical context which we live. The fear of not having fear, seems to be stronger than the value of risk doing things.
the outset is known to work in a public library is working with the state average. We are not entirely a private, not completely a public institution. We are a strategic alliance, once again, between State and Civil Society, and in this alliance, we are the citizens who have rights and we would be stupid if we do not defend them. Above all are the priority means ensuring access to information and cultural resources of a people. Jeopardize the latter value would be more dangerous than "be careful" not to make available some personal information such as what books we choose to read this holiday ... In any case, this is a technological solution that is already underway. Who makes the
BPRA Digibepé Node project: students of the career of Library Science at UNC, selected public call: Lucrecia Garcia, Rodrigo Pellegrini, Roberto Cattaneo and Heber Cabrera, coordinated by Veronica Lenci, a member of Task CONABIP Digibepé program, but before However, a member of the Board of the voluntary bpra bpra in several years. Against more than wind and tide, the first node will proceed in Digibepé bpra. If at some point said something different, certainly was not for lack of sleep and rest. This is, without doubt, a collective enrichment project: institutional (libraries are free wishing to join) and community (citizens have access to many more collections and other digital services) ... ie where you look ... the advantages outweigh the disadvantages ...
building projects, and have the plane, and we very nearly the ground, even as we put the Stone Founding .... ya ya .. If 15 years of work did little to strengthen a community project such as the public library, indeed some we are thinking: "What am I doing wrong , step aside and allow new ideas flowing" . It is true that many bureaucratic obstacles, local and national, prevented the work so far. But it is also true that the self should not miss this balance. As for any work, speaking generally and not just the construction itself, to be erected as such requires a collective commitment to the belief that it is necessary. If we are not ideologically convinced also of the need the building, little can be achieved. So, the invitation is on the Christmas table. Include the strong commitment to all voices, all proposals: for example, we are looking for fundraising ideas.
Puntobiblio : publicly apologize attached libraries, the latter part of the year have been a bit in silence and without raising activities ... But let's be clear: it is forbidden to propose. We reached Cordoba Book Fair, with agreements with some local publishers to buy books with discounts, updates to databases of the libraries that shipped with regulator, met. It was a difficult year many ways, I do not mean justified, but the idea is to start next year with a participatory assessment on continuity and work methodology.
If something was missed this year was the boredom. We could say it was a great year of work, challenges, commitment. But what we liked is that bpra this year, more than ever allowed one of its greatest challenges: to facilitate the encounter with the other.
predicting that next year we continue to implement more projects that are humming in our heads, we wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Commission Directive No. 3707
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Cover Letter For Food Industry

I think, maybe my world is too small, but I'm sure there are more worlds like this, small library in the garages, gagged, rarefied, with children in the village, on the ground, enjoying the book, a word in the narration that opens to a reading of the world, other worlds ... these small miracles, I will not leave so pass as just another reading workshop, other Saturday, I feel that home is something more important, more important: namely that there is a young, aware, convinced that Argentina is another possible and is not embedded in the imagination beer, they're doing themselves, every day, in a particular year to ensure access to another culture and education.
S. Yulan
a huge thanks to Santi, Mauricio, Vico, Nati, Juan, Anita, Colo., for her dedication and love so much ...!!
More photos on our facebook:
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
How To Tie Double D Ring Belt
Cosnava, scribbler and creator of disparate worlds:)
I wrote because my head is hanging around the idea of \u200b\u200bproposing to the editor of Diario (Ricardo Esteban, which also owns the publisher of comics Dibbuks) have a contest to choose the co-author of DIARY 2. I am a lover of collective works. In fact, one of my earlier work, the graphic novel A GOOD MAN (Glénat, 2009), had to with 10 illustrators me the script. For if you do not know, I pass a link to the cover of the newspaper culture PUBLIC few months ago:
I really like these collective works because they end up being a melting pot of ideas from different points of view to enrich the work, and therefore Eva Rubio asked him to do a chapter on DAY 1, as a first step to a series of collected works, especially targeted at young audiences.
had thought of organizing a contest to choose the other two authors CHAPTER 2. Eva Rubio (if you feel like it lol) would be an author because a character has the beginning of his story in 1 st person at the end of the first part. But would lack two writers, one that would make a 3 rd party and another person would write a second piece in 1 st person. I myself do not appear as an author in the second half but only as a driver of the project. Each of the authors would give a very basic page explanation of what the plot is going and what needs to happen in broad terms, the author would choose characters, situations, plot ... everything else.
The idea would be to choose 10 topics related to the first part and among the people to submit short stories about the 10 themes selected, choose The two winners, apart from perhaps the best story published in each issue.
I do not know how you see the idea. Any madness? Do you think many people will sign up? Have you already done something similar? I am very interested in collective works and I think it is a way of discovering new talent, apart from that I have thousands of ideas and I need time to develop and be nice to others, from the minimum principal idea that I would would, to develop their own ideas. In fact, DIARY is a preliminary way of future works: I have a novel to my agent (Sandra Bruna), already finished, I planned to culminate in a separate volume as the old books you choose own adventure, with seven different end-seven authors and / or complementary, with each author knows what he is doing the other.
Anyway, tell me. If I see that many people are interested, I propose that the editor and organized the contest. This link
forums daily, commenting on the case can go if you see interesting! # / topic.php? Uid = 175752199102630 & topic = 311
A hug!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Clear Plastic Car Cover
Saturday 20 November. Santiago prepared. The kids arrive. Intention: to share and live together in a small space is enlarged when the wills are collective. Designing an activity that has more to do with a decent future a momentary distraction. Holding the belief that culture is forged between all the "Popu" is to "lower" culture, but to collect, organize, disseminate and defend it. Learning opportunities are endless in diversity. The expressions of solidarity are profound. The female students of the group "EducaciónParaLaLiberación" so find each Saturday almost up early to get to the Villa La Vaquita pitch, picking up the kids, house by house and accompany them on the long walk of over twenty blocks to the library.
hearts merge into a single proposal: live around books and new technologies. Because we do not believe all the stories and because we are willing to build new, with this new youth that has nothing to do with youth adormercida or anesthesia that made us believe it is Argentina. Because there are other youth that puts the soul into projects like these, where there are children who have nothing more and nothing less than all hope for a better future.
When they get to the library is a party. And we would have a table and chairs for everyone, but that's the least important, or yes. Because they can not meet all the goals when we have to be very careful to pass that path bondys. The floor is the place where we sat, no chance to write because there is nowhere to establishing the role, nor where lay the table. It is a library in a garage.
boys and we can still resisted, not afraid of the weather or the cold that we had in August when they pulled the workshops, or fine mist ... here we are, firm, and for fifteen years to hear those who want to hear, for those who want to believe that they create. Give them a book and give them the opportunity to be free. Paulo Freire's teacher shouted it from the rooftops and many did not believe him. We do, despite the garage. When we ask: How and why the public library? And for this: to sustain a conviction, read us free. Learning to read a world is learning to write again, to build, according to our own claims and beliefs. So we are, so we, so we are no longer in other areas, and so much more, we invite you to become involved in each project which recognize public library nearby, identified and included. De Ushuaia a La Quiaca, where a public library, there is hope. Help us support this project and libertarian citizen. About Us.
share a piece, moments of détente between the coordinators of the workshop when advantage to plan, plan further action. And the elves, tiny invaders full of tenderness, do their work: they appropriate the space and begin to call their own. For them work for them we hope the larger project: the building itself.
Sonia Yulan
Genital Warts Black Scab
Hi, Elena, happy to exchange a word with you. You are a wonderful illustrator.
Hi Javier.
Thank you for your interest in me in my work and thanks for your kind words. I also delighted.
First, obvious question. Are you the girl on the cover of DIARY OF A TEEN? Diving into a website in Russia found this picture ( central image below ) and, at least, sobering. Are you, right? Not understand anything said on the web because most were in Cyrillic but certainly it seems!
hahaha ... for nothing. Not trying to be Banksy. I have my picture on dA, my email, I have my FaceBook, I answer several interviews like this every month ... In short, in all pretend to be a little "enigma." I am very accessible only thing a little shy for my things and also, I do not have a life as "exciting" to fantasize about it ...
The cover illustration of DIARY OF A TEENAGER is called "Hummingbird." What can you say about her?
often the case that my work comes from a photo of a model to me "trap." I feel the need to do something with it. To give life. This was one of those cases.
think I am not alone in thinking that your illustrations are a cane! Are you going to release a compilation book? Something I thought I heard about it. Is it true?
Thanks again Javier. Well, something he "heard" me too but so far nothing. There is no discussion on the subject. Actually I guess I can make a book just with my photomanipulations. Do not know who may be interested in buying something. A few months ago a girl wanted to write short stories about some of them and publish them. I think it did not come out as she expected and, at least for now, I have not heard anything the project.
How do you like to call your work? "Enlightenment? Photomanipulation "as they call others? Photographic Art "? "Art simply?
Art seems too big a word to define what I do. I think they are "simple" photomanipulations. It is true that more and more painted, illustrated, but photomanipulations. What if I try is that they are not merely "cut and paste" Stock photo. Intant them to life, telling a story ...
What about other national artists that move at close to yours, like Victoria Frances and Luis Royo? Do you have a reference in your work, someone you'll set when you started?
Not to sound proud but had no reference. Neither had, nor what I have. These and other names I have been known over time. The people I related to them and their work without further ojeé. I am nothing unusual.
to me what interested me was support, not works. I've always drawn. Since childhood he had that ability. As a teenager I began to paint and sculpt a few years ago. When I discovered photomanipulation I realized it was an extended summary of everything he did and had. Could use real elements to, manipulate, create a new reality. That's what captivated me, the media, not works.
Anyway, I admire them both. I hope someday reach his level.
I think I speak on behalf of many when I say that your work is really impressive and we're sure you'll soon be an artist very, very valued and much better known. Are you satisfied with your current technical level? Want to experience? "Go further in your art?
Thanks again Javier.
modest I do not want to sin again but that I'm "almost" starting. Really, these kinds of comments seem to refer me to someone else. I think mastering the techniques but I still have a long way.
I want to go painting / illustrating increasingly, create my own stocks, again taking lessons from my dear Professor Ramón Teja. Almost everything that is thanks to his tremendous knowledge and his love of sharing and teaching. In short, I repeat, I still have a long way.
Tell us about your future projects, apart from the book collections. What would you do in a few years? Where do you see? Where are you getting at?
I have many plans on the personal, artistic and professionally but I am very superstitious and I do not talk to them before they fulfill.
I read that you're married to a English and have a to hij. You're originally from Russia. Tell us about your country, where they were born, of ours, the differences between them and anything that evokes. Are you homesick for your country or you have become Madrid and go around the world eating boiled tripe and toast?
My father was a soldier, fighter pilot. Every two or three years, I changed stations. I was born when he was in Estonia today. Then we went through New Earth (in the Arctic), Latvia etc. I got married and we moved to Siberia. Seven years of cold and neglect. My daughter was born there. Is it a good one from that period. My roots are deep in Russia, 600 km south of Moscow, but virtually nothing me "tied" to there.
8 years ago, a cousin of mine invited me to come to Almería. Was there a few months and came to Madrid. Today I met my husband (in English, saving you the question) and I do not move here ... especially now that we have definitely brought my daughter to live with us.
I love your country. The people are very similar to Russian. You have same sense of humor. I like to join together with friends and enjoy. Like the Russians. And I love your food, your cities and old towns ... as I said, from here and I'm not moving.
A pleasure to have interviewed, Elena. I hope that soon we will meet in person in Madrid, in a presentation to prepare us the best of Ricardo Esteban (Ilarion editor). I will bring my wife, you bring your husband and your hij to :) A big hug from Asturias!
a pleasure for me too. I hope you continue to enjoy what you do and you get the recognition your talent and dedication. See you soon.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Men Facial Hair Generator
institutions are increasingly realizing that not enough good will and sometimes the volunteers themselves, people who come to work jointly with a public library or the library in forming a neighborhood center, a church, a garden infants, soon realize they need tools, knowledge, guidelines, rules that structure work under an order that streamlines and streamlines the task and finding the information .... That's what the university.
In Cordoba, the race has a library with three years as technician, which allows rapid and specific work output. It's about talking to any librarian, received or advanced student of the race and you will notice that we sobreocupados. Almost all librarians know, are two to three jobs. The race can achieve the degree of Bachelor of documentation, which prioritizes the profession and opens a wide field of possibilities.
So, do not miss the National University of Cordoba, more specifically the Faculty Philosophy and Humanities of it depends Library School. Those who live in the same city, or near a race with broad prospects and job prospects.
Many thanks to Maria Isabel Gambarte who sent us the poster for the dissemination of the race.
One final thought from our perspective of public library: the librarian for us is much more than a professional or a manager of information, especially social subject is involved in a genuine field little explored and exploited: the cultural management, citizen participation, providing opportunities for free expression and democratic, knowledge sharing for collective learning that creates a true civic construction.
And above all a reader, because it promotes books and reading, not only dealing on the shelves to accommodate them, incorporating it into databases, digitize, catalog, classify ... also know and learn every day of readings, writers, literature, and spreads and has the miraculous ability to spread his passion for reading. But as we always say, in order to disseminate readings must be read and read first must find the true flavor, taste it with pleasure, as the librarian "Heavy", auquel that promotes his passionate taste reading of the most passionate, but watch it here in this nice videíto. Enjoy!
(Although we disagree with the initial theme of the poster, because for us the information is not management, but it is shared and spreads, facilitates the appropriation of information ... as the term "manage" is closer to business concepts and for us the library clearly differs from the company, as we understand it as a living space meeting city, nor do we conceive as disseminators of "culture" we delivered the cultural diversity meeting for genuine democratic life and above all, because we believe that the library is an opportunity for growth of the company, the latter considered indisputable ... but welcome the initiative of the School of Library and bet on the spread of its offer student and I wish I made more emphasis and in any case, yes use business resources and methodologies ...) s
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Blueprints For Pilates Equipment?
blog is the new Children's Art Workshop, do not miss it can meet this new library space on this link
This workshop is coordinated by Professor Anita Gauna, meets the participation of 22 children ranging from 4 to 13 years old. It's free and works in the library on Mondays from 18 to 20 hours.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Interview Questions Receptionist Beauty Salon
Team of the First Node Digibepé BPRA , from left. to right: Lucrecia Garcia, Rodrigo Pellegrini, Heber Cabrera and Roberto Cattaneo. They attend the first consultative forum of the popular Digibepé Argentina.
InstallFest Moments
say those who might be in full Day, held on 8 and 9 October in the Library "Victor Guzman's School of Social Work at the UNC, which was most interesting. The exhibitors, the first level. From the Public Library of Argentina we have nothing but gratitude to those who gave their time to organize: Team Digibepé Node, composed of Heber Cabrera, Rodrigo Pellegrini, Lucrecia García and Roberto Cattaneo, coordinated by Veronica Lencinas.
AGRADECIMENTOS who traveled from Buenos Aires to share their experiences, Diego Ferreira TemaTres Project, "managed to intermix sociological concepts with examples application of the tool and simultaneously explain, to specific questions, technical issues complex. Deepened with concrete examples the advantages of free software models in that everyone should cooperate much it hurts "(Veronica). A Paul Bianchi free software specialist, in charge of informatics area Engineering Library the UBA. A Andrés Tobelem , Digibepé of CONABIP team that reached graciously and explain in detail (as explained to me that Veronica and I had gone), which is more than Digibepe Library Management System for public libraries, means interconnecting the Argentine Popus each other through a complex system that includes telephony connectivity IP, Radio Online, the Journal will be online Bepe and the new portal CONABIP forthcoming. A local specialists, who opened the conference, to Federico Heinz of Vía Libre Foundation who opened their heads about the political meaning of free software, gave the audience the recent book on the election of government officials through the electronic voting after the first observations in Cordoba experience in this regard: the election of Marcos Juarez. thank Silvia Maria Mateo , Chairholder II and III Technical Processes School of Library Science at the UNC . Also thank Gustavo Alfredo Gómez Rodriguez, director of the Central Library of the National University Villa Maria
who came to share their choice of free software in your library. A Thomas Cohen of the Department of Computer Science at UNC, who explained the implementation of Koha in the libraries of UNC.
A very special thanks to the Director of Social Work Library : Elsa Roque, with a caring spirit for others, shared the organization of this conference with the team Digibepé, laying the groundwork for future interlibrary cooperation ties.
(This is a transcript of the report by Veronica. Many thanks.)
Andrés Tobelem of CONABIP Digibepe Team
; Diego Ferreyra TemaTres Project
Veronica Lencinas and Rodrigo Pellegrini, Team Digibepé people receiving very early
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Labled Parts Of Electric Motor And Its Function
free software libraries - II Kohafest - XXIII InstallFest
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sims 3 How Do You Befriend On Pc

you on Saturday 25 from 11 am.
Friday, September 17, 2010
25mm Scope Ring See Through
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Comparison And Contrast Of Anorexia And Bulimia
How Long Does A Lip Ring Take To Close
Coordinated by Professor Anita Gaunt, will start on Art Workshop
for children 6 to 11 years. Implemented
CONABIP funded, will be held in the Library
September 6,
the Monday from 18 pm.
open inscriptions recall
Library Our customer service hours:
MONDAY - WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY - 9 am to 12 pm.
THROUGH SATURDAY FROM 10:30 to 13:00. (Saturday, 28 August)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Strip Clubs In Los Angeles
"I still sing, still ask,
still dream, still waiting;
give us hope to know
is possible that the garden is lit with
laughter and song
of those we love so much. "
That mythical song dear Victor Heredia, well worth it today to link the activity to be developed in the literature, through Saturday. Despite the poor favor with the public libraries to support their projects, there is still not only hope, but the profound conviction that nothing, even the disappointments, the ingratitude, forgetfulness, forgetfulness, of those who want both , nothing, nothing all that torture to the Bible in the neighborhoods, to work with dignity, can be as important or of such magnitude as to remove the small joys that leave the simplicity of the boys enjoying spaces like these, activities that allow free expression, support the confident voice, with genuine hope that there are other worlds, there are other people, other ways of sharing and learn from each other.
everyone wins when a child reads and enjoys it, does anyone still doubt? A book is a magical object, where you can touch these images that the media is impossible because the light energy and the speed with which the ephemeral ago .. here the energy comes from the pages themselves, to the amazement of the kids to have as many different books, good, colorful, full of content and passion of so many writers putting grip in what many still hope: read open your eyes! ! screams as Mempo Giardinelli from Chaco project.
Saturday joined smaller than the first Saturday and hope that next, Aug. 28, at 11 pm, is even further. The special!
Thanks Santi, Colo. and Anita! (Specimens in extinction, giving every day a little more knowledge made love for the boys)
more photos of the activity in Facebook = home # / photo.php? pid = 4680788 & id = 580177729
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Ap Biology Graphing Practice
Al Baron Samedi not like the skies, searching for answers, machine and dig into the rotten soul of men. He preferred to sit in the shade of an ancient tree and lamenting his fate, his back to Villanueva, that cursed village that has won everything. However, precipitating events, and his companion of misfortune, Baron Lacroix, has been asked to emulate him in his search for the last pieces of the puzzle missing giant zombie called civil war. And there's the Baron Samedi, perched on the Alcázar de Toledo, scanning the horizon.
The Alcazar is an old Roman palace, stone, who has spent for many times and has been renovated several times. It is a square fort, with a central courtyard, virtually impregnable. Here are besieged little more than a thousand men for two months. Although Toledo is revealed from the outset against the Republic, the meager military forces were in the city, reinforced by Some civil rights were insufficient to defend because of its proximity to Madrid. So the rebels led by Colonel Moscardo, took refuge within its walls. And there still resisting. Nobody thought they would get. Nobody believed that thousands of men were able to withstand the onslaught of half Republican Army. But they have done. The left-wing militia columns come relentlessly bombarded the fortress and, they tried to take the assault, or fly towers with explosives. But days pass and there seems to be getting to take it.
the end, the siege of the fortress has become a symbol and the National Defense Council, an umbrella rebel generals, you know While the importance of symbols. Thus, Francisco Franco, who heads the "de facto on the Board since September 21, diverted their first offensive against Madrid and Toledo will spend their troops. The mission: to liberate the fortress.
Samedi The day came to Toledo, it was known that the rebel troops were about to arrive and take the Alcázar was a useless company because soon the whole city would be released. But the fighting continues.
There are zombies on both sides, highlighted by his fellow soldiers for their dirty mouths with blood, and form their own group of fighters. Samedi was hours behind two zombies of their own, two figures stepped forward to stand up to it. Replay those prodigal sons filled him with satisfaction and, if sweaty, bathed in lymph others, he found beautiful, sublime and complete.
"I've eaten Moscardo's son," said one of them. We caught a morning and then call the parent by telephone and told him that if he did not make the square, would devour.
"I did not gave up, course, knew the baron, a wry face.
"He did not. And Luis Moscardo died shouting "Long live Spain! Viva Cristo Rey! ", As I devoured his gut.
Samedi mood patted his mort-vivant and let him go to the search for new and rewarding experiences.
that morning attending to last Baron bout Alcazar. The Republicans know that they only had a chance and put all their efforts in a suicide attack.
The assault is appalling and regular zombies militants charged in unison: rebels tens of Moscardó perish engulfed in a sea of \u200b\u200bbloody hands, fists clutched in their arms, hungry mouths. Two tanks advancing tanks leading the attack, while undead uploaded to your body attempting to reach the fortress towers to climb and kill any fascist comes their way. In ecstasy crime, the rage and agony of the struggle, the immense pleasure that dispense grants, to determine the fate of others bias, those figures move gracefully precise in their timing and their money, making delicate dodging bullets circumvent that trigger the besieged incessantly.
A group of Asturian miners walls and towers pop in various parts of the palace, opening gaps where enter the race militants. The order from Madrid is clear: take the fortress at any cost. For a moment, a group of zombies climbers, those who jumped from battlements and towers, get the flag removed and put the Republican, but a young cadet named Jaime stops them killing some undead with your gun and, when runs out of bullets, with their own hands and even their teeth.
loading has stalled. Go drink some militants to fight again, although separated from other units and even separated and no order of battle, so that there is already a plan of attack, not join efforts, and what a win, what lose others. The fascists, meanwhile, defended orderly room to room, but not giving an inch of land.
That becomes a slaughter. Red zombies are shot so fast that Samedi fails to fixate on each of them, for when it does, they are already dead. Their bodies writhing on the floor heave and seizures that we prepared at birth, for the transit: If applicable, a second transit. Is a beautiful sight. Death, for those beings, is liberation, indeed, death becomes the ultimate punishment for his weakness. It is a redemption. Moscardo the disciplined forces, make the horror a perfect dance, along with their own zombies, defeat the contrary in all the battles, less in number, they continue being much lower. But that is a siege, it is not so important.
The remaining zombies left, on the contrary , tilting the sway of the waves of enemies or push the deaf who are behind them. They have no free will: kill or die fighting, simply.
No amount of effort or to concentrate men and material, the attackers are lost. The Republican army is an army. Most men struggle day and then return home with the woman, in Madrid or the surrounding area. Then walk back to the Alcazar with his sandwich in the bag, such as school or going camping. On weekends sometimes bring the family to see how the heavy artillery of 155 mm
contrast, Moscardo soldiers are Above all, soldiers, apprentices not revolutionary. In the end, but with many casualties, the fascists get repel also the last, dying enemy attack.
After the battle of that day, General Moscardo comes to congratulate James, the cadet who has saved the flag . The Samedi the notes uploaded to one of the towers, while the two men walking. Jaime Milans del Bosch has twenty years. Moscardo is about to turn sixty. One is the past and the other is the future of fascism.
"Today I knew, sir, I was doing something important," says Jaime, puffing out his chest. Note that I dreamed that in the future when I have more or less his age, there will be another democratic government in Spain and I go out into the streets with my tanks to lead a coup. I even remember the name of which I school: Antonio Tejero, Alfonso Armada and others ... Will, at least in my dream, a February 23.
And laughs Jaime Milans del Bosch. When your jaw is opened, the teeth are shown soiled with blood, though he has tried to clean them. Jaime is a zombie. One of those who have not become undead warlock but because of their own accord, disguised as human, but is so zombie as those who ate the son of Moscardo.
And the colonel himself laughs at the audacity of the boy and not considered an excess or a form of godliness. Only is the folly of youth.
But more than that. Samedi realize suddenly that Baron Lacroix has not sent there to see how the fortress resists the onslaught of terribly misguided and poorly trained army of the Republic. No, he has called out just to witness that moment that the civil war zombie is much more than a symbol, as is the Alcázar.
The war will last forever unless they do something for avoided. But that company is too big for Samedi. If anyone can plan how to overcome the destination, that the Sacaúntos, Baron Lacroix.
Think then Samedi: True or false, real and false gods of voodoo, the loas, provide our anxieties from the mists of time. Murmur and argue with each other, twist the little stories that make up our existence and pretend to be omnipotent. But are they?, To what extent we are masters of our actions?, To what extent can they change them?, Can we be so free as to control our own destiny? and so great courage, do not offend the gods? Too many questions for such small minds. Overcome, curtailed, travelers in this limbo material we call reality, we can not do anything but try to survive another day, and yet this poor goal requires the gift of heroism, a gift no longer possess.
The Samedi only hopes that one day, a second death comes to release him as they were released many of the zombies when attacked Colonel Moscardo troops. A day later, on September 28, the Alcazar is released by the advance of the fascist troops of General Varela. Now, hordes of zombies Legionnaires eat all the cells that remain in Toledo and surrounding areas. Prance their heads into spears. But the Baron Samedi is no longer there. Fly over the sky of the Mediterranean off the coast of Valencia, to meet a Nazi war battleship, the Admiral Graf Spee.