Argentina Republic
1 .- The National Highway Traffic Safety System includes strategic policies to harmonize federal, national coordination, recording and collation of data, functions performed respectively by the Federal Road Safety Council, the National Traffic and Road Safety and the National Transit Background. Such agencies should coordinate their tasks.
2 .- This system ensures the effective implementation of the principles and objectives stipulated in Law No. 24,449, taking into account the following criteria:
- uniformity.
- Centralization regulations.
- Decentralization executive.
- Inter-sectoral and multidisciplinary.
- Transformation and technological innovation.
3 .- The system is organized on the basis of regional decentralization as a process of leadership, planning and management of road safety policies, projecting its strategic objectives and priorities. 4 .-
member of the Board Federal Road Safety, a representative from each of the provinces, the City of Buenos Aires and the National Government, represented by the National Commission TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY. Is constituted by integrating more than a dozen jurisdictions. Each representative may have an alternate.
5 .- The Council shall give its own bylaws may establish commissions or committees for study and development of programs, initiatives and regulations. The decision will be made in plenary, which will meet at least every month from March to December each year.
6 .- The Council will receive support for their administrative and technical operation of the MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND HOUSING, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, SECRETARY OF INLAND, which has its headquarters. (Paragraph replaced by Art. 1 of Decree No. 210/2001 BO 22/02/2001)
7 .- HISTORY REGISTRY TRAFFIC, you must sign agreements with enforcement authorities in each jurisdiction: national, provincial or municipal, for the purpose of establishing the necessary mechanisms for reporting and / or both receive data related to violations, crimes and / or complaints and resolutions and / or penalties pertaining to road user behavior, even those in which there is serious voluntary payment pursuant to Article 85 inc. a) in fine of Law 24,449.
8 .- REGISTRATION must sign agreements with the National Register of Motor Vehicle Ownership, in order to establish the necessary mechanisms to obtain information that may help to identify and identify those drivers who have committed misdemeanors or crimes alleged.
9 .- NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY: without prejudice to the powers assigned by this article, is the coordinating body of national jurisdiction, is authorized to perform the following functions within its jurisdiction:
9.1 .- Exercise representing the National Government to the FEDERAL ROAD SAFETY COUNCIL. 9.2 .-
advise the National Executive on transit and road safety. Is the technical consultation on issues related to the implementation of laws, regulations, and other general rules relating to land rights movement nationally and internationally.
9.3 .- Project Update standing of the relevant legislation and regulatory standards and complements the Traffic Act;
9.4 .- Provide technical specification standards and quality to be met by components of active and passive safety of the vehicle;
9.5 .- proposed or approved devices used in public and qualification standards for driver licensing in coordination with the FEDERAL ROAD SAFETY COUNCIL;
9.6 .- To approve the grant programs and enabling registration for the issuance of training of enforcement authorities and monitoring and professional instructors for training schools and drivers' in coordination with SEGURIDAL FEDERAL COUNCIL ROAD. When lectures were provided by government agencies SEGURIDAL NATIONAL ROAD can have their tuition fees. The proceeds will go towards research and prevention of accidents and road safety education. 9.7 .- Issue
courses, which can be tariffs, allocating such resources to the investigation and prevention of accidents and road safety education;
9.8 .- To approve the content and enabling tuition grant for the teaching of regular courses for professional drivers , inter-jurisdictional service for passenger and cargo transport, adapting to scientific and technical;
9.9 .- To grant special authorization required for the design of mobile homes and towed vehicle or vehicles for the transportation of schoolchildren or children, noting especially the requirements of active and passive safety;
9.10 .- To establish the list of joint or subsets of auto parts and safety parts included in each specialty and procedure manuals and repair services
9.11 .- Grant in conjunction with the FEDERAL ROAD SAFETY COUNCIL and NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION or similar institution recognized by the MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND EDUCATION, certificate of qualification in the specialty as a coach, alluded to in the last paragraph of Article 35 of Law 24,449: 9.12 .-
propose the amendment of the items listed in paragraph 7 of Article 35 of this regulation;
9.13 .- Establish information systems related to transport statistics accidentológica public passenger and cargo of national jurisdiction, those relating to the empowerment of repair and periodic technical review and traffic in general, coordinating its activities with the FEDERAL ROAD SAFETY COUNCIL and the NATIONAL REGISTRY OF BACKGROUND TRAFFIC;
9.14 .- Investigate accidents administratively through the NATIONAL BOARD OF ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT TERRESTRIAL MOSP created by Resolution No. 789/82. Is the competent body on road accident rates of national jurisdiction. Preventive measures proposed by the Board, are binding for national bodies
9.15 .- propose the legal system, requirements, specifications or other standards that make the operation of mandatory technical review workshops and repair vehicles of national jurisdiction;
9.16 .- Granting the exemptions referred to inc. b) and c.4) of Article 63 of Annex I to the present;
9.17 .- Proposing medical fitness criteria for granting driver's licenses, in coordination with FEDERAL ROAD SAFETY COUNCIL.
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