CAP 1 (Baron Lacroix) 2 ª part 2.
Oscar failed to sleep that night. When I closed my eyes I saw the face of Ambrose with lips parted, as if to say something, a secret capital I could not, either, to overlook. But the speaker was too far if you really tried to speak, he did from the other side of life. Upon opening his eyes again and continued to regard his friend in the shadows of the room, looking for a place to contact him in the reflection that the moon drew winding its rays filtering through the window. Perhaps, for a brief moment, he was really asleep and dreamed or imagined, that are the same thing, Ambrose standing on a platform of a very high bridge. Soldiers dressed in old uniforms guarding him lie on his right, an officer with the upper hand prepared to give an order. The scene had look over exposed and a bad daguerreotype unreal, as if experience was repeated a thousand times, a copy of a copy of a performance which had not happened and had never repeated the same a thousand times in the fantasies of others. Oscar said then the rope hanging from the neck of his friend, curling around his throat with a snake at its prey.
And then the officer lowered his hand and the soldiers pushed Ambrose Farquhar bridge down. In the distance, an owl hooted.
Oscar awoke from this dream, was not trying to sleep unravel its meaning. Despite its cryptic appearance, soon to be on a track, call it intuition, if preferred. A hastily dressed and left the room he shared with Matthew at full speed. He was sleeping, snoring soundly, unaware of their nocturnal sleeplessness. Better as you explain to the back. So if there was anything to explain.
Oscar El Ferrol wandered for hours, asking, bribing when the answers were elusive, struggling to understand the death of his friend. He even talk to the doctor who certified the death. Money can make a person become talkative and cooperative until the bed started at five o'clock. An hour later, and Oscar had tied ropes enough to know that the implementation of Ambrose Farquhar (for this and nothing else happened) had to do with voodoo and its mission in Spain. And I thought I knew why.
Everything was related, of course, with the past.
you know Oscar was born in Haiti in 1870. The son of a French trader of spices, had worked with his father until it was ruined. Then, while still a teenager, he learned to make a living at different offices, resulted in the most inventive or need. Oscar was part of the white minority in a country dominated by blacks and mulattos. However, he was attracted by the lifestyle and customs of the European white man. Oscar loved art and Antillean Creole, the native music and was an ardent disciple of voodoo. Voodooists rites, contrary to what many believed, were a religion ... and a religion of good. In fact, the fundamental objective of Voodoo was removed from the people of all evil, from all forms of disease. In Europe, the majority had confused the spirituality of his people with mysticism or Santeria, but it was the Europeans, who despised everything that is not understood.
The Voodoo was not easy, obviously, a religion that would show its true face at first sight. Had to penetrate its mysteries and understand its meaning. Then, with the perspective of knowledge, showed its true face, beatific regenerating mission.
And is that Oscar, unlike the Europeans, he liked to understand things before judging them. I thought, perhaps rightly, all educated men across the ocean, away from his life had any form of mysticism, with the result that could not noticing a magic act and even when they exploded in front of the face. Well, not all, the exception that proves the rule was Lieutenant Colonel Matías Gutiérrez del Castillo.
- Where were you? For hours looking out the window, worried about your absence. I had almost begun to think ... had come to think, like, a million things. How could you leave without saying anything?
While speculations, weaving together the strands of this mystery, street by street in the city of Ferrol, Oscar had returned to his hotel. He had not even realized it. As a zombie, had climbed the stairs and open the door. "As a zombie," she thought, smiling. But the grin faded from his face and said
-sleeping. I did not wake up.
"You should have done. After what happened to Ambrose ... "Matthew did not finish. It was not necessary. It was precisely the death his friend had started up the brain mechanisms of Oscar, which had compelled to leave the room and begin their investigations, although they were preliminary.
What were preliminary and were its conclusions.
"There's a boccor in Spain. A sorcerer, "he said, without preamble, such as hitting with a closed fist in the jaw of his opponent.
But Matthew did not accuse the coup. Sitting in a chair, cocked his weapon resiguió the barrel and the stock looking the least speck of dirt and finally considered the trigger in front and behind, above and below. Finally, satisfied, put the gun (an old Colt) in its case and took a shirt of the closet. Indolent, pulled it over his head and began buttoning.
"Yesterday, on the beach, you said you thought he was a trainee.
"I felt the presence of a young and inexperienced officiating. So I do not jibe that could kill Ambrose. I think there are two, an apprentice magician and a priest, a woman.
Matthias raised his eyebrows.
- A woman? How do you know?
"I've sensed.
No one who believes in voodoo underestimates the value of a hunch. You know Oscar knew there was a woman behind his steps. But she had not killed his friend.
"Yesterday, when we saw far Farquhar Ambrose's body, I realized there was something that did not fit, "he said then, speaking very fast, as it releases a flood inside. And today I had a dream, perhaps also a premonition. Ambrose saw hanging from a bridge about to be thrown into the water by a group of soldiers.
- What does that mean?
"Nothing and everything. My mind began to piece things together. First slowly, but then ... Then I began to see clearer. I walked around here and there and got some information. I even question the doctor who examined the body.
"In the end we get caught.
"That does not matter now. I had to really know what happened. My doctor has been very helpful: Ambrose had hanged as in my dream and even thrown from the throes of death, to the waters. And I wondered: Who would lose the time strangling a man with a rope if it then goes to immerse in water, bound hand and foot?
"That's what I say.
in shorts and shirt, Matthias stood side mirror. The bulk of the weapon stood out when I moved my arms when walking. He tried moving a few steps over the waist and under the limbs. Legs akimbo. There.
"At last, the pieces fell into place in my mind," concluded Oscar. A boccor is building a arbre rest.
Oscar sat on the bed. Shivering with fear. Also of determination. He extended a trembling hand and grabbed his jacket pocket a handkerchief with which he blew loud. Matthias, in turn, inspired a long breath. He knew what that meant.
-think Ambrose was killed as a first step in building a tree sacred to the souls of the voodoo gods. A Reposoir arbre.
"Yes. But in this case, the boccor used tree branches not to give shelter to our gods, but to trap the souls of the dead. Want to create a legion of zombies service. Ambrose's death was a first step. I think he will be the first death of their cemetery, the Baron Lacroix, his intermediary with the spirit world. Will use the knowledge of Ambrose to become the guidance you need from the beyond. What will its slave y. ..
Matías waved a hand, interrupting.
-wander, Oscar. "All that you have inferred from a dream and the way he died Ambrose? The sacred tree is planted in the ground and Ambrose died at sea. It makes no sense.
"Quite the contrary. Do you remember when we met in Port-au-Prince, a year ago? You'd just come as commercial attache in your country and were beginning to be interested in voodoo. Even then I said that black magic distorts the right and reverses. The boccor is building Reposoir arbre in the water, the branches are aquatic plants, the leaves are the fishes. On this surface almost infinite will catch the souls of thousands of zombies, then make their bodies will obey in the real world.
Oscar paused. He saw the corner of his eye that his friend, still incredulous, looking for his clothes.
"Remember, Matthias" he said, that you convinced us Ambrose and me to come with you to Europe, to bring the voodoo to your continent. Ambrose was an expert in African voodoo and I in Haiti. Together they would bring peace and truth of our religion to countries which have lost contact with magic. Would build a peaceful future for men who will recover natural union of man with nature. And in the process, you said that you trust our opinion. -Oscar paused. Deep breath. Well, I say that we have to go and do it now. The boccor may be just around any corner, looming!
pants were too tight and the hem of her pant legs dragging on the ground. Matthias hated the dress that served the military. Unable to dress the ranks in terms to all its deficiencies came to the surface when trying to get a decent suit for any other activity that was not jump between trenches and splinters of shells and shrapnel. After last look in the mirror, turned to Oscar, trying to smile.
- Is not it a little cowardly escape without further ado? Would not it be better to stay and try to stop plans boccor ?
"Of course not. Or is kidding? -A Oscar it was difficult to understand that Matt still had not absorbed any of the essence of voodoo in all that time they were together. Now that you have the structure to begin work, the witch looking for people with knowledge of our religion to become slaves. If you already have the soul of Ambrose and uses it as the Baron Lacroix, mine certainly look to be the first zombie of his legion. My soul knows many secrets of the voodoo that he will want to use. The soul of an anonymous English, including a Haitian ignorant I could find on the docks, would not even remotely the same service.
Oscar started walking towards the door of his room. I did not want to talk more. Had to go without wasting any more time. Warlock and run away to land in between. Go away, as far as possible: Northern Europe. He thought that, hopefully, that day would happen in a flash and without major upheavals. But should start without delay to the train station. Then they'd have time to decide if they continued with their plan to bring the voodoo to Europe or returning to Haiti.
A voice sounded behind him:
"I have a question, Oscar. How can you be so arrogant and yet so stupid?
not feel anything at all. Perhaps a little sigh, a breath behind your head warm. When the bullet pierced his skull, opening fire roads in their memories, you know Oscar swayed as if dancing, striking in its turn the lintel of the door, and suddenly fell back, lost his gesture in a perpetual grimace of surprise.
Matías Colt returned to its holster and went back to the mirror, where he noted that there were no bloodstains on his shirt, pants or shoes.
life, he thought, was not made for those who doubt. Had reached that point betraying his comrades as well as himself. It did not matter the mission. There was never mission.
- Arrogant? "He said, suddenly, a third party which hitherto had been hidden.
Matthias turned. Baron Lacroix was sitting on the windowsill. Smiled a silly smile on his face clown painted white, a face that only a few hours earlier, Ambrose had been to Farquhar.
-Oscar was an arrogant and stupid, self-ruled Matías. An arrogant to believe that a sorcerer would want him as the first zombie of his retinue, his knowledge of voodoo would make appealing to my eyes. And stupid for not realizing what I want are slaves to serve me, not that I question captains. If you've dreamed of an army of zombies that devastate this country is because it will be an army of creatures in my service, sheep to be manipulated, completely faithful, wild and expendable.
Lacroix laughed. But his eyes hid infinite rage toward the man who had killed and who now possessed his soul.
-will be a great boccor , my love. Congratulations.
Then someone knocked on the door, interrupting his conversation. Matias crossed the room with safe passage.
- Yes? Something wrong?
"I heard a noise. I have found it a shot. Is everything all right, Mr. Gutierrez?
was the concierge. Matthias turned to the body of Oscar, whose head began to flow so much blood that flowed like a stream across the floor of the room. Thoughtful, took a moment to respond. After all, opened a crack in the door.
"It was not shot. Do not worry. But I have a problem. Hope you can help me out.
The man burst into the room on tiptoe, holding their breath. Had many years in his work and knew when something was really wrong. The reassuring voice of that host was not used to soothe that feeling of danger that he dominated. However, all his years of experience and caution not avail.
"Certainly, Mr. Gutierrez said the concierge, as he moved a little further inland. Then he saw the fellow sitting in the window quirky, half in and half out body. Then he discovered the body of Oscar on the floor, supine,
"But What the hell ...?
The clerk tried to retrace his steps but it was not possible. Matthias blocked his path. His right hand extended. On the back was a brownish powder that blew boccor toward his victim, covering his face, forehead and over his eyes, penetrating through the nostrils.
"You're going to start your transformation, my little apprentice of undead ...
The last thing I heard poor man, on this side of life, was the voice of the guest in room 16. The powder had been immobilized and fell heavily to the floor beside the body of Oscar you know. The janitor wanted to scream, but could not wanted to breathe, but it lacked the air latiese wanted his heart faster, to give him strength to resist, but it was fading, ever beat more slowly, until it became almost a compass inaudible.
and then returned to the voice of Matthew, speaking to the ear, very softly, to penetrate their dreams
-Reds, my friend, the red you have done this. They want to destroy Spain. Can you hear me? Want to end the monarchy, religion, the bourgeoisie, with the industry of our country and even good employees anonymous as you. Can not afford. We can not allow it! Now sleep, my friend. But when you wake up, help me kill those damn red. Together we shall overcome.
"Bloody Red" stammered the porter, before losing strength and completely succumb to its first death.
awoke an hour later become the first zombie of the witch, the first of the souls who end up tied to plants Reposoir arbre.