Monday, October 19, 2009
Watery Cervical Mucus Early Pregnancy
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Victorian Ladies Fashion

WebQuest one of the most common activities performed by students on the internet is the search for information often with the help of search engines like Google, Alta Vista or Yahoo. However, these investigations are activities difficult and time-consuming and can be frustrating if the objectives are not clearly reflected and explained in the beginning are structured and guided activities to avoid these obstacles by providing students a well-defined task and the resources and slogans that will allow .
Instead of wasting hours looking for information, students are appropriated, interpret and exploit the specific information that the teacher assigned.
Research on the Web is easy and simple application, it is easy to perform and enables both Internet novices and experts involved. Researching on the web is incorporated into actual tasks students, encourages collaboration and discussion, and easy integration into the school curriculum. The teacher should suggest a topic for exploration and point to some Web sites where students will go to find the information you need. As teachers are familiar with the web and search engines, and learn to develop strategies to optimize their knowledge through communication, search and processing information, go to propose topics and students will only search solutions. In the ultimate state of total autonomy, students may propose topics of interest to the teacher who happens to choose including what is most suitable for personal and group learning.
the WebQuest, a teaching strategy where students are really constructed knowledge then they will learn. They were organized into groups, assigned to develop a product that ranges from a presentation or document, until a performance theater or radio script, etc., Representing as tightly as possible the different positions of the roles. It is a very promising design.
This is not just a new way for teachers to teach is also a new way for students to learn.
WebQuest The idea was developed in 1995 at the San Diego State University. Since then it has become one of the main techniques and integration of Internet use at school.
According to its developers, Bernie Dodge and Tom March , a WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most of the information to be used is the Web. This model seeks to capitalize on students' time, focus on use of information rather than search and enhance the intellectual processes in the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
According to the authors there are several ways to practice, effectively, cooperative learning, one of which is the use of Internet and WebQuest. WebQuest uses the real world, authentic tasks to motivate students, its structure is both constructivist and forces students to transform information and understanding, cooperative learning strategies help students develop skills and contribute to the final product group.
WebQuests provide an ideal model for teachers who are seeking ways of integrating the Internet into the classroom. Each WebQuest has a clear task or a specific problem with a lot of blogs that relate to a topic or content of the study area of \u200b\u200ba given course.
Tom March and Bernie Dodge have created an informative site that deals with the use of WebQuests to support the learning process, and have also designed some excellent examples. The WebQuest Page.
has over 20,000 pages on the Internet, with suggestions for educators in many countries (U.S., Canada, Iceland, Australia, England, France, Portugal, Brazil, Holland, etc.).
Website creator
short-term WebQuests:
The educational goal of a short term WebQuest is knowledge acquisition and integration of a specific content of one or more materials and is designed to be completed one three class periods. Long-term WebQuests
is designed to do in a week or a month of class. Involves more work, more profound and elaborate, often ends with the completion of a presentation with a presentation software tool (Powert Point, web page ,..).
A new method inspired by the concept of WebQuests created by Bernie Dodge are MiniQuest :
consist of a version of WebQuests is reduced to just three steps: Scenario, Task and Product. Can be built by experienced teachers in the use of Internet in 3 or 4 hours and the students take part fully in the course of a class 50 minutes. Can be used by teachers who do not have much time or just starting in the creation and implementation of WebQuests. They are a logical starting point for teachers who have different skill levels to create online learning environments. Teachers new to the world of the Internet will find in the MiniQuests an intuitive model, realizable and therefore help them take their first steps in building learning activities based on the Net This article pdf of Eduteka you more information about MiniQuest
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Audiovox Xpress Boombox
Lucretius and Paganini (zaragoza explodes)!
October 11
overland to