Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Watery Cervical Mucus Early Pregnancy
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Victorian Ladies Fashion

WebQuest one of the most common activities performed by students on the internet is the search for information often with the help of search engines like Google, Alta Vista or Yahoo. However, these investigations are activities difficult and time-consuming and can be frustrating if the objectives are not clearly reflected and explained in the beginning are structured and guided activities to avoid these obstacles by providing students a well-defined task and the resources and slogans that will allow .
Instead of wasting hours looking for information, students are appropriated, interpret and exploit the specific information that the teacher assigned.
Research on the Web is easy and simple application, it is easy to perform and enables both Internet novices and experts involved. Researching on the web is incorporated into actual tasks students, encourages collaboration and discussion, and easy integration into the school curriculum. The teacher should suggest a topic for exploration and point to some Web sites where students will go to find the information you need. As teachers are familiar with the web and search engines, and learn to develop strategies to optimize their knowledge through communication, search and processing information, go to propose topics and students will only search solutions. In the ultimate state of total autonomy, students may propose topics of interest to the teacher who happens to choose including what is most suitable for personal and group learning.
the WebQuest, a teaching strategy where students are really constructed knowledge then they will learn. They were organized into groups, assigned to develop a product that ranges from a presentation or document, until a performance theater or radio script, etc., Representing as tightly as possible the different positions of the roles. It is a very promising design.
This is not just a new way for teachers to teach is also a new way for students to learn.
WebQuest The idea was developed in 1995 at the San Diego State University. Since then it has become one of the main techniques and integration of Internet use at school.
According to its developers, Bernie Dodge and Tom March , a WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most of the information to be used is the Web. This model seeks to capitalize on students' time, focus on use of information rather than search and enhance the intellectual processes in the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
According to the authors there are several ways to practice, effectively, cooperative learning, one of which is the use of Internet and WebQuest. WebQuest uses the real world, authentic tasks to motivate students, its structure is both constructivist and forces students to transform information and understanding, cooperative learning strategies help students develop skills and contribute to the final product group.
WebQuests provide an ideal model for teachers who are seeking ways of integrating the Internet into the classroom. Each WebQuest has a clear task or a specific problem with a lot of blogs that relate to a topic or content of the study area of \u200b\u200ba given course.
Tom March and Bernie Dodge have created an informative site that deals with the use of WebQuests to support the learning process, and have also designed some excellent examples. The WebQuest Page.
has over 20,000 pages on the Internet, with suggestions for educators in many countries (U.S., Canada, Iceland, Australia, England, France, Portugal, Brazil, Holland, etc.).
Website creator
short-term WebQuests:
The educational goal of a short term WebQuest is knowledge acquisition and integration of a specific content of one or more materials and is designed to be completed one three class periods. Long-term WebQuests
is designed to do in a week or a month of class. Involves more work, more profound and elaborate, often ends with the completion of a presentation with a presentation software tool (Powert Point, web page ,..).
A new method inspired by the concept of WebQuests created by Bernie Dodge are MiniQuest :
consist of a version of WebQuests is reduced to just three steps: Scenario, Task and Product. Can be built by experienced teachers in the use of Internet in 3 or 4 hours and the students take part fully in the course of a class 50 minutes. Can be used by teachers who do not have much time or just starting in the creation and implementation of WebQuests. They are a logical starting point for teachers who have different skill levels to create online learning environments. Teachers new to the world of the Internet will find in the MiniQuests an intuitive model, realizable and therefore help them take their first steps in building learning activities based on the Net This article pdf of Eduteka you more information about MiniQuest
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Audiovox Xpress Boombox
Lucretius and Paganini (zaragoza explodes)!
October 11
overland to
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Whoa Error Onpogo Euchre Windows Vista
Monday, July 6, 2009
Diagram Of A Wall Furnace
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Kamenstein Spice Rack Replacement Lids
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Quotes About God And Sports
hope that the course finishes well and wanting to be a long time in the villa. I do not like Zaragoza, I like the cold weather in winter, rain and wind of autumn and the summer heat. I do not like for one simple reason: everything here is extreme. There is no middle. Zaragoza When it's cold, cold. In hot weather, get ready. When it rains, the Ebro scary on the left and when the north wind blows with gusto, the bridges across the city are significantly depopulated, by the way, that I can not swim very well.
I'm not sure why, but Zaragoza is not quite to my liking. Curious
for people. Hundreds, thousands of pedestrians moving day and night through the streets of the city. In the morning, the elderly dominates the streets. Typical grandmothers who will buy the morning or the husbands of those who go to meet friends and get the paper give way to youth of all types and age (say youth aged 15 to 50 years) in the afternoon, which dominates the Zaragoza streets, especially in summer.
At night, the low number of pedestrians. Much less walk the streets, but interestingly a high percentage are immigrants. Curious case of the immigrant sector, which prefers the moonlight and the quiet of the night cheposa to enjoy a walk that day.
But in a city there is nothing more uncomfortable than to meet a neighbor in the elevator. In addition to the polite greeting, the weather is the most talked about issue in elevators with unknown neighbors. After discussing the extreme cold than it does in Zaragoza, look at the little screen and wait for the arrow up, as quickly as possible to one of the two-story station. When she arrives, the relief is noticed and the discomfort disappears. You say goodbye and when you get home you realize how hot it is outside. The terraces filled, the birds are chirping and you, right in June, studying to pass exams. Viva Zaragoza.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Top Gun Flight Simulator Kitchener On

Convert Ayerbe CNI ( http://ayerbense.blogspot.com ) in your place of opinion. Here we can meet all young people to ayerbenses show our concerns and our ideas. That no one tape her mouth and all youth carnicraba we can express our concerns to achieve those things that we want to do in our town.
This blog is not just for the people of CNI, but to all visitors who wish to participate and want to express their ideas. It is for all audiences because, who has lost his youthful spirit regardless of age?
This blog is open to any opinion, regardless of political ideology and social status. Comment here. Ayers writes in CNI
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Whoa In Pogo Euchre Windows Vista
SENPA in the vicinity, many pissing, vomiting and general shit smeared the facades of some houses of many of our neighbors who were awakened every morning with unpleasant odors that are combined with no more nice views.
addition, as we all know, the City truck was "stolen" by some Vandals who devoted themselves to use the truck to perform according to some neighbors 'tops for Fontobal fields', where the truck was found. To get it, vandals entered the sports hall and into a glass breaking inside the danger has been wounded in the attempt due to broken glass. The consequences were: damage to the Sports Centre (which is already pretty screwed up) and a truck bad enough for that, maybe, we never have another.
So in this situation and I wish that all young people and commit implicásemos us to try to make things like this do not happen and that if they happen to show our discomfort, we did not commit and, if necessary, as in this case, report to local authorities. Because cleaning up the facades of the houses of neighbors and streets SENPA Ayerbe, if the council makes are wasted time that could be used elsewhere. Because the truck is not only a waste of our council, but a loss of all that for ayerbenses get to do many of the acts that are made in the village needed a means of transport such as broken.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Why Does Gas Hurt In Intestine

I have not heard of this application until a few weeks ago. However, Zaragoza will try to be European Capital of Culture for 2016. To this must compete with many other English cities that aspire to be. 12 + 1 English cities, apart from the world capital of the north wind at the moment struggling to be the winner.
We have always been treated the Aragonese cazurros, coarse and uneducated. Perhaps because of the accent we have, so maybe we are stubborn, the rest of Spain has considered many times as a small-town community .
Now is the time to show Spain that it is not. How? Very easy. Zaragoza has the potential to become European Capital of Culture. If it did win, the Aragonese could show the world why our kingdom (later Crown) sent over much of the Mediterranean. Our culture has expanded beyond our borders and we were the lion's head of our country for years.
there an easy way to support the nomination. On the website candidatecities.com can vote for the city want to be European Capital of Culture in 2016. The votes are tight and Zaragoza (9.63% of the popular vote) is the fourth after the joint bid of Oviedo, Gijón Avilés and 18.52%, Santander's bid of 18.06% and 14.04% Cáceres . This vote is not binding but shows the willingness of people to the city is European Capital of Culture. the most votes does not have to be the winner, but it helps the commissioners choose to see the disposition of its inhabitants.
That's it. I encourage you to vote and that we turn to the project, as it will help in Zaragoza and in the other two provincial capitals Aragon grow the cultural spirit. If Zaragoza win, we'll have more works of quality museums, theaters, concerts ... and more importantly, we teach visitors about our culture: culture Aragon. Promotional Video
Zaragoza 2016
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Can It Get Any Worse Quotes
As every year, I guess that will be varied and fun costumes. Some who have long hours of preparation, others that they manage at the last minute or those who, for lack of imagination (or pure vagueza), they buy in any store, mix the night of Saturday March 7 through the streets ayerbenses to spend a night than the rest of the year as at this event, which "sings" is up with nothing.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
How Long Do I Have To Wait In Between Permethrin
are deadly. Able to make anyone sick, both physically and psychologically. loitering by the cities to be one of the many concerns that city dwellers who inhabit them. I hate them. With their bodies painted red haughty, nor small but numerous taxis of Zaragoza as always, those who swear in Hebrew shitting in
Yes, I speak of city buses. Witnessed many strange stories. As I said before, are able to make anyone sick. Why? Very simple.
First, while forty-three degrees in the shade on a summer to take the constant sweat on the forehead, neck and armpits (armpits of life) is usual, the drivers of whales blue-red-in this case the city, thinking (insurance) for the good of all, do the following. One of two things. White or black. Yin or Yang. Cold or heat.
Never better said, cold or heat. You
, city sweaty, get on the bus to 'trap' due to heat it, looking for that yes, a comfortable temperature to keep you cool, you remove the continuous drop of sweat from his forehead, neck and armpits-or at least one of the three-and forces you to make you renew a deal with the heat wave Roberto Brasero Saharan announced in 'The Time', you have to fight, first, until you reach a comfortable position, with the lady hair salon, smelling of paint that casts pa 'back, with the lord of mustache that does not decide to go across the hall to keep from falling; with the little girl, preoccupied with cleaning their nostrils in the hallway, with these two young, lean and putting his tongue to areas not known or doctors, and with the continuous and sudden movements of the bus where you go, get also the first good feeling fresquillo the air becomes frigid air as the minutes pass and force you to carry, as a rare and three days later, a lot of tissues in your pocket (or purse, failing) and a cold noses, pun intended, that shows how fucking weak you are. You, English-blooded, macho thought you, go and fall into a cold forty-three degrees in the shade ... sends eggs.
But not everything is there, because there is winter. What about winter? Well, it's cold. And ... what happens when it's cold? Well, everyone is on bus. And if everyone goes in urban bus what do you do? Then you also city bus, not being less than others.
But that's when the problems become. As it is cold, you, chilly city where available, more layers you put an onion. That if the typical vest tops, that if a long-sleeved top, that if a short-sleeved shirt over the long sleeve and the interior, that if a jersey knit, a little tough on top of that, if a wool jersey turtleneck and on all those clothes and rushing a little zip, a ski jacket that houses a lot. To all this, you realize that you forget to take off his pajamas. No matter, I'm chilly and I have to protect. Of course not forget the scarf and gloves. Come on, you look like you're going to the pole to live among Eskimos. On second thought, you heard the other day that said Roberto Brasero came a polar front in the Nordic countries and needed protection.
Sales into the street and wait for the bus. Filled to the front door, now the fight is off. As in musical chairs, you try to be the fastest, wrap well and enter first, as if it depended on your short existence in this world. And when you get it after they have advanced to the red-haired woman shouted "has been cast! ", the young rapper helmets who listened Manolo Escobar, and Mr. Bald has caught the door and was dragged fifteen meters yelling" Stop! For! "and nobody paid attention, when you get it and you're in, would you want to die. Raisins, in seconds, shivering and sweating in the summer, as the driver shift has occurred is not best idea (thinking at all) to put the heat to go. And you there without poderte move and typical summer sweats caused by the seven layers that you're wearing, start looking for a place among one hundred fifty people who occupy the bus to take off, at least, ski jacket or failing that, get off at the next stop. But it is impossible. Lady mink coat that you sweat more and also smells of lacquer, by lying you breath on his neck while Mr. mustache that smells like you Brummel is rubbing her ass and you look bad, like you were there for nonsense. At the end sales
bus, sweating and with an anger of a thousand pairs of balls, because you're a half hour walk to your destination.
Three days, catarrazo. Tissues become the Frenadol becomes your best and you just hate soda urban transport.
Although, after all ... What can replace the joy that you get when you take, despite the redundancy-half hour waiting in the rain and cold on the bus and suddenly appears around the corner with his sign at the front and crowded?
That joy is priceless.
Monday, February 2, 2009
What Does A Raised Wart Look Like?
seems always the same story. February or June. Sometimes September. Coffee for many hours and pages full of underlined text, notes or manuals purchased and a half tons. If you look out your window you can see the street empty, dark, working traffic lights as if thousands of cars waiting to turn green ... and sets. You can also see, a little higher, in the buildings of several storeys high, many lighted windows. Hoses that burn and sore backs blend into a shadow that appears behind the blind or shade relevant.
Some do not even sleep. They endure all day studying, even at night. The next day barely have standing. Others prefer to sleep a little before dawn (it's true: "no matter how early dawn early ...) at about three o'clock and start giving the finishing touches to your paintings and baroque notes, these schemes only understand the perpetrators or those manuals full of yellow stickers called 'posits'.
and seen from outside these days is a 'show'. The nerves take hold of you so that you are forced to go to the bathroom several times in minutes without drink a drop of water within hours. Sudan hands more than usual and you get tired seeing you unable to write a single phrase. Knees clubbed you can barely walk. You eyes sting and your head will explode ...
Sleep, constant companion during exams last week, trying to empower you several times a minute and you, scholar breaking professional, fighting as they had done before. And is that these dates are 'witnesses' stories of strange and countless occasions to graze in the more deformed grotesque Valle-Inclán.
also more layoffs and your full concentration on those notes that are sometimes so 'entertaining', it's Nadal's turn or the Messi of 'caught' and do they have to pay some attention. You will not miss the best tennis match in history or the 5000 goal of Barca ...
Come on, that to study these days to run or you get to study at night while others sleep and not there are tennis matches and football on TV, or costs too much ... At least to me.
So, we will (or at least follow) resisting these nights of February, June or September (for parties ...) without coffee or traps through midnight, bringing me to sleep at five.
The start was valid and as expected. We'll see how we finish.
luck to all those who suffer or pandemic.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Kindergarten Farewell Speech
HAPPY 2009
CeNeIenses all (so they do not get angry feminists ...), people in the world in general and in particular ayerbenses you may have a very good year 2009.